Speakers and panelists
Anna Artaker
Artist and Elise-Richter-Research fellow at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Jakob Helmut Deibl
Since September 2019 Assistant Professor for Religion and Aesthetics at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at University of Vienna and academic manager of the “Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society” research centre based there. He habilitated in 2018 with his paper on “Parting and revelation. A poetic-theological critique of the motif of totatility based on the poetry of Hölderlin”. Visiting lecturer at the Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo in Rome.
Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs
Architect and founder of “the next ENTERprise Architects”, Professor of Design and Building Theory at the Institute of Architecture at Kassel University, BIG ART Advisory Committee.
Uta Hassler
Professor emeritus of the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, distinguished affiliated professor at TUM Munich. Her focus as an architect is on monument conservation and building research. Her research and publications cover construction and building history of the 18th, 19th and 20th century; on issues of resilience and long-term dynamics of buildings and building stock; history of science of building disciplines.
Gabriela Krist
Restorer and art historian, Head of the Institute of Conservation and Restoration at the University of Applied Arts Vienna since 1999. UNESCO Chairholder for international projects and work on world cultural heritage.
Cathrine Mellander Backman
Works with architecture and the built cultural heritage and has developed knowledge about building-related public art as a new field in the sector of cultural heritage. She has a background as researcher in architectural history and has worked at several museums and institutions such as Nordiska Museet, Skansen and the National Property Board.
Linus Neumann
Hacker and psychologist. As spokesman of the Chaos Computer Club, he is committed to a digital utopia worth living. He has been an expert on various committees of the German Bundestag, for example on the IT Security Act and on widening powers to allow the use of remote forensic software. He was one of two authors involved in the analysis of the state surveillance tool “FinSpy” published by the Chaos Computer Club at the end of 2019.
Henrik Orrje
Has worked at the Public Art Agency Sweden since 2004. He has run R&D projects in public art and cultural heritage and has a background in research in film and video as an artistic means of expression. He has worked with exhibitions in contemporary art, design and architecture at, among others, the Swedish Institute, and Moderna Museet.
Katrina Petter
Head of Public Art Lower Austria since 2018. Curator of exhibition projects such as “Fortsetzung folgt” (Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna, 2008), “Bird Karaoke” by Regula Dettwiler (Gazebo, Vienna, 2010) and talks (including Thomas Hirschhorn “Mein Begriff von Kunst im öffentlichen Raum”, 2008 and “Über Kunst im öffentlichen Raum – forschen, schreiben, lehren”, 2017). Editor of publications, e.g. the current editions of Public Art Lower Austria and Tatiana Lecomte, “Frauen und Mädchen!”.
Hans Ulrich Reck
Philosopher, art historian, curator and commentator and from 1995 to 2019 Professor of Art History in the Context of the Media at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM). From 2014 until 2020 Rector of KHM. Current book publications: “Pasolini – The Apocalyptic Anarchist”, Leipzig: Spectorbooks, 2021; “Kritik der Kreativität”, Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2019. Heike Ander / Konstantin Butz / Hans Ulrich Reck (eds.), “Urbane Poesie – Ende und Aktualität der Litfaßsäule“ (Edition KHM N°4), Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag 2020.
Claudia Büttner
Art historian and freelance curator, Munich. Specialised in public art, she designs and supervises projects in public space including Skulptur Projekte Münster, 1997, and Dream City in Munich, 1999. 1999-2003 headed kunstprojekte_riem, a model programme for art in public space in Munich. She taught art history at TU Berlin, at TU Munich and at the University of Art and Design in Linz. She advises local authorities with regard to implementing art programmes, works on award committees and is an expert for the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Construction and Town Planning.
Klaus-Jürgen Bauer
Doctor of architecture, architectural theorist, author, exhibition curator, adult educator. Lectureships at various colleges and universities. Member of the BIG ART Advisory Committee for many years. Contributor to the 1st and 3rd Austrian Building Culture Report; winner of architecture and design prizes; inventor of Fassadenlesen®. Interested in transitions between architecture, art and life.
Cornelia Offergeld
Curator and art historian, chairperson of the BIG ART Advisory Committee and curatorial director of “KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien”. Most recent publication: Katharina Blaas/Cornelia Offergeld (publ.) “Erinnern. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich”, Vienna 2018.