Project Magazine Zeichensetzung

Teacher Training College of Lower Austria

A verse taken from Erich Kästner’s poem Ein alter Mann geht vorüber (An Old Man Walks By) formed the inspiration for Karl-Heinz Ströhle’s Text-Skulptur (Text Sculpture), as well as being an essential element. Ströhle designed this work for the campus plaza of the Teacher Training College of Lower Austria in Baden. He lined the circular opening in the concrete roof with this quote. The letters, made of bent stainless steel, can be seen as both text and sculpture. Depending on the weather and the season, they shimmer, cast shadows on their surroundings or merge with the sky on overcast winter days. Because they are made of spring steel, they move gently in the wind. The work unites sculptural and thematic aspects in a playful way. It compellingly and poetically creates awareness of school in general as being far more than just a place for knowledge acquisition but also a school of life. As such, it must engage with current, controversial topics and factual contexts that go beyond the curriculum.

Architecture: marte marte architects
Year: 2018

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