Elementarereignisse (Elementary Events) – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna (BOKU) conducts research in the areas of sustainability, resource management, and the conservation and protection of our environment and quality of life. These fields of research form the thematic focus of Elementarereignisse (Elementary Events), a series of artistic interventions to mark 150 years since the university’s foundation.bb15, the curatorial team, developed a concept that revolves around disruption, barriers and disaster. The three temporary artistic interventions on the university grounds generate a sense of irritation in the fabric of everyday life, thereby drawing attention to BOKU’s socially relevant research areas.

The opening of Elementarereignisse (Elementary Events) and Lasting Signs of Jubilee took place on May 23, 2022 at BOKU Campus, as well as further performances as part of BOKU’s Miteinanderfest on September 29, 2022.

Sperrzeit (Barrier)

The intervention entitled Sperrzeit (Barrier) is the connecting element and the common thread of the overall concept. Sperrzeit is a mobile sculpture consisting of three elements based on the prototype of an avalanche snow bridge. Although this object seems out of place in the urban context at first glance, it adds a new level of meaning to the problems connected with the fragmented campus and inner-city traffic (the “metal avalanche”). In the course of recurring “carrying performances”, the three wooden elements of Sperrzeit are moved around on the Türkenschanze Campus. These ponderous processions also cross the streets surrounding the university grounds, thereby inevitably creating an interruption in the flow of traffic. The avalanche barrier becomes a road barrier.

Carbon Age Gallery

Artist Peter Fritzenwallner’s Carbon Age Gallery is a mobile presentation display for contemporary sculptures, installations and performances, and a continuation of his earlier work entitled Daihatsu Rooftop Gallery. For his Carbon Age Gallery, Fritzenwallner converted the small Japanese car he had used in his predecessor work into a bicycle rickshaw, thereby turning it into a climate-neutral vehicle. Transferring artworks onto the roof of the rickshaw and into the streets allows them to interact with the urban reality. The mobile display creates a new mobility and temporality where the city and the campus in particular form a constantly shifting backdrop for the works. The art presented in this way is tied into the overall concept and is also displayed at various locations on the university grounds at irregular intervals.

Coral, Collectivo, Tectónico

The third intervention, CORAL, COLLECTIVO, TECTÓNICO, is a sound installation created by Chilean artist Constanza Alarcón Tennen. It is based on personal auditory memories of earthquakes and their effects. The work is an ongoing sound archive consisting of audio recordings of people using their own voices to reproduce the sound of an earthquake they had experienced at some time. Constanza Alarcón Tennen arranges this archive of recorded voices into a composition, which she then makes tangible in the public space on the campus grounds by means of a vibrating wooden structure that serves as an oversized tactile loudspeaker.